Pastor Rick Celebrates 30 Years We are going to have a party to celebrate with him. More information here

Why We Give

Giving is an important act of worship.

Why We Give

God asks us to give

Throughout scripture, God asks us for a part of what we have for His use. God asks us to give, not because He needs our stuff (He does not) but because we need to share it.

  • We are selfish by nature - giving away some of our stuff helps us become less selfish.
  • It gives us an opportunity to participate as a partner in God's work.
  • It opens our eyes to the needs around us.
  • Giving is another form of worship.

Why give to Argyle

  • Your gifts are the only source of money to support the work done and the lives changed at Argyle. We have no other income.
  • Our Mission, Vision, and Strategy are supported by our staff and facilities. Everything that happens at Argyle depends on your faithful giving.
  • Part of our income is spent outside our own needs. We participate in mission work near home, throughout North America, and the whole world. We support local organizations that serve vital community needs. We help with benevolent needs of our people and our community.

We believe we are good managers of what God, and you, have entrusted to us. If you have questions about details we are happy to answer them.

How to give to Argyle

There are many ways to make your gift.

  • If you are attending in person, you can drop a check, or an envelope with cash, in the offering buckets.
  • You can use your bank's or credit union's online bill pay.
  • You can give though our online giving partner using your bank account or credit card.