Pastor Rick Celebrates 30 Years We are going to have a party to celebrate with him. More information here


Being a member at Argyle

Membership at Argyle

Why should I be a member? Why is it important?

  • Biblically, Ephesians 5:25 tells us, “...Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her…” That means God Himself thinks the church is pretty important.
  • Culturally, there are very few things people are willing to commit to in today’s society. By making this commitment, we are saying to the people around us, This is important, and I want to be part of it.
  • Practically, it tells our leadership who we can count on.
  • Personally, it helps produce spiritual maturity. The New Testament places major emphasis on Christians being accountable to each other for spiritual growth. You cannot be accountable when you’re not committed to a church family.

How do I become a member at ARgyle?

Our members –

  • Are committed Christ followers, born‐again believers.
  • Have been scripturally baptized by immersion, after conversion.
  • Have participated in a Membership Commitment event.
  • Have promised to abide by our Membership Commitment Agreement.

I'm a member of another church, can't I just transfer my membership?

We are happy to inform your former church of your desire to be a member at Argyle so they can adjust their records, but we still require that you do everything outlined above.

I have been baptized, does that count?

We accept as valid a baptism performed, after your salvation, by another church of similar belief and practice. Talk to us about it.

OK, I'm ready. what's next?

Use this form to let us know you are interested in membership. We will get in touch to discuss next steps.